Client W
Client: Client W
Service: Face to Face Personal Training
Goal: Body Comp, Improved Relationship With Diet and Body Image
“I first reached out to Kylie at a time when I wasn’t feeling great about my body and progress. I had been training and working out consistently for years, not seeing the results I thought I deserved with the amount of cardio and classes I was attending including the amount of time I was spending at the gym.
I thought I was eating well, giving my body what it needed so I was upset and frustrated with myself, I just couldn’t understand why things weren’t changing.
It wasn’t until I started my first 12 week program that I soon realised to get the results I wanted I had to train smarter, not harder and nourish my body with better foods and planning.
I’m sure I was a difficult client. I am a social person, so for me going to brunch or meeting someone for dinner was my version of going out. I didn’t regularly cook, finding it hard on a weekend to stick to a plan. But once I started to see the results, this soon changed.
Yes there are times when this drifts but I always have my foundations to come back to and this is due to Kylie. Her guidance and support to me over the past year has allowed me to get the results I had always hoped to see and has made me feel more confident in my body and self.
Each week I look forward to my training session with Kylie, she challenges me with every rep and every set we do together, but she also guides me through any obstacles the week may have brought or may have up ahead.“