Whitney S

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Client: Whitney S 
Service: Online Training, Nutrition and Lifestyle 
Goal: Fat Loss and Gut Health 

“As a new PT I completely emptied all my energy & focus into my clients, which left very little time or energy to put into myself. After suffering from PCOS symptoms such as hormonal weight gain I didn't have the energy or time to focus on my own programming or training & needed some new motivation. 

I approached Kylie who actually advised that for a new PT this was very normal to feel this way as we give so much to our clients. Kylie took the stress out of putting aside time for myself to structure my training program & nutritional goals. 

I found having someone else do my programming made my training feel fresh & new each month. I have also thoroughly enjoyed chatting about our businesses when we do have our accountability sessions.

Don't be ashamed to seek advice & support from others, you will enjoy your training & be kept accountable.”