Client E

Service: Online Training, Nutrition and Lifestyle 
Goal: Body Comp, Improved Relationship With Diet and Body Image

“I started online coaching with Kylie in January 2019.

At the time I started with Kylie I was training really hard and had been for a number of years.  I was completing numerous circuits or HIIT sessions a week (sometimes twice a day) but never felt like I was doing enough to get the results I wanted. I was often exhausted, crashing on the couch for the day after my morning sessions before dragging myself to the gym again in the evening.   In conjunction with this, despite possessing an abundance of information in regards to healthy eating and nutrition, I wasn't able to successfully apply this knowledge to my life. I was eating inconsistently with little regard to the nutrients in my food and would often restrict my food during the day only to overeat at night.

Kylie has transformed all of this for me.  She has simplified all of my thinking around training and nutrition. I no longer question what works and what doesn't and I feel empowered that I will have this knowledge for life.   Kylie is extremely supportive, knowledgeable and professional. She holds me accountable, calls me out on any unhelpful thought patterns or behaviours and is totally invested in my progress and body composition goals.  Her approach is holistic, with one of the more unexpected outcomes of coaching with Kylie being the huge improvements I have made to my daily routines, sleep patterns, body perception and energy levels. I truly love coaching with Kylie and I feel very lucky to have her in my life.”