The Truth About Fats

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So far I have covered why protein and carbs are so important, now its time to look at fat.

Fat is more calorie dense than protein, carbs and alcohol, (9 per gram instead of 4 per gram for protein and carbs), and for this reason they have a lot of flavour, taste great and leave you wanting more (avocados, nuts, eggs, cheese, chocolate etc). But contarary to popular belief that a lot of fat will make you fat, eating the right type of fats can actually make you leaner.

Fats Have Numerous Good Qualities:

  • They are essential for survival, they are a key component for hormone production, chemical messaging and testosterone production. If fats drop too low for too long in women they can face fertility problems.

  • They improve body composition because they are filling, especially when paired with protein.

  • They improve metabolism, can eliminate constant cravings and help balance your hormones (such as testosterone and estrogen).

  • They support thyroid function, which is a hormone closely involved in body fat regulation.

  • They are the easiest macro for the body to process, meaning it requires the least amount of energy to breakdown.

  • The body does not store essential fatty acids such as omega-3 fats (those found in fish) as fat in the body, but instead uses them to make hormones and build cells.

  • They are critical for reproductive health because are used to manufacture hormones (women not eating enough fat is a common cause of infertility problems). It also increases testosterone (meaning a stronger libido, who doesn’t want that!).

Types of Fat

There are lots of good fats: avocados, fatty fish, coconut oil (my favourite!), olive oil, natural nut butter, raw nuts, the list goes on. Trans fats are the only real bad fat along with some saturated fats.

Coconut oil is my favourite, especially before training because it doesn’t enter the cholesterol cycle, instead being sent straight to the liver and therefore converted into quick energy.

Avoid vegetable oils such as canola, corn, soy, sunflower etc. As these oils are highly processed and are easily destroyed by oxidization which is damaging to the body. If you must use it go for raw olive oil and don’t cook it on a high heat!

Fat is your friend, especially in the war against fat loss. However as it has such a high calorie content per gram don’t forget to eat in moderation. They are easy to over indulge in so make sure to measure your fats with each meal and try not to snack on too many nuts!!

